
Thursday, March 22, 2007


Look at me! I switched to what was once Blogger Beta but is now Blogger in the same way Blogger was when I first started. It's like running to stand still. Still, now I get to play with labels and move things around way easier and... uh... well, we'll see.

"What other changes might will we see around here?" I hear you ask.

Geez, do you have to ask such tough questions? OK, this isn't exactly a change from the past, but it's a change from the norm:I've decided to do an original poem a day every day in April in celebration of National Poetry Month, just like I did last year. So there'll be poetry AND exceedingly important witty bantering posts like this one. Hard to top. And it's really alllll for y'all, having nothing to do with finding an excuse to make me sit down and write poetry. Nope. Not that at all. Honest. As always at GottaBook, it's all about you!


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    You are poetry in motion, Mr. P. Looking forward to a poem a day.

  2. Oooh! Can't wait. Thanks for thinking of us, Greg :)

  3. A poem a day? That's a great challenge. I may have to ponder that. Though frankly I'm having trouble coming up with one a week now. Still, at least I can look forward to reading yours.

  4. Ponder away, Nancy! I like the challenge for myself, and simply hope I can live up to it. April is actually a busy month around these parts, so it should be extra hard (which, frankly, is good!). Who knows... I might live to regret the choice, but it's not like it's life or death. Nope. It's poetry!

  5. A poem a day...hmmm...that might be just the ticket for my 5th graders. Of course, that would mean that I, too, would have to participate. Maybe group poetry writing could count, too...

    Note to self: blog reading before weekly lesson planning could be dangerous to the mental health of students AND teacher!!!
