
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blog Blog Blog (link, link, link)

By popular demand, the Disco Mermaids are selling Newbery Jewels gear (and donating money to a LIBRARY at the same time). So go support scrotums and Newberys and all that good stuff.

Also, I know some of you missed the teleseminar I did with the Blog Squad about viral blogging. And I know you're now kicking yourself over your tragic mistake. But kick no more -- thanks to this link right here you can go order the CD and transcript (and get the roadmap we put together, too). I lobbied for tossing in a free ginsu knife, but in the end we couldn't figure out why that made any sense at all. Anyway, it's enough without the knife, I tell ya.

Then when you're done with all that, why not go check in on Lisa Yee's blog-a-story-a-thon and see how it's progressing. Haven't joined in? Don't know what it is? Clickie here!


  1. Took the family to Auntie Em's the other night. Apparently, it's a lunch place?

    Had a great meal at Oinkster's instead!

  2. As you could guess, I believe that any place named Oinkster is worth a visit, because I love small portions of vegetarian fare, and I figure an Oinkster would fit that bill as well as Fatburger always has!
