
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Talking and thinking about...

Poetry! Picture Books! Graphic Novels!

As readers here may know, I'm one of the judges for the Cybils -- The Children and YA Bloggers Literary Awards. I'm one of five for the poetry category. What's been fun from the start with the Cybils is seeing folks talking about kidlit, saying why they'd nominate a book or seeing why the nominating committee picked their five for their short lists and reading profiles of folks behind the Cybils (including me!).

Anyway, why don't y'all toss your two cents in. We're nearing the announcement time (on Valentine's Day!), so why not jump in?

Join the convo here.

I'll look for you over there, but for not I gotta book.


  1. Thanks
    this is
    my second
    try writing a fib.
    Goodness, this is addicting stuff!

    Just don't laugh too hard. Just discovered your blog and really enjoyed it. Thanks.

  2. Check out It's Just a Plant web site.

    and my blog: http://booksreadingand
