
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

So the question is...

How are YOU celebrating MotherReader Week? MR is ending it by going to NYC for the kidlitosphere drink night. Color me wildly jealous.

While she's in NYC, I'm sure she'll get the pleasure of sitting down with the force behind Fuse#8 (and I'm confident about this as she's one of the organizers of the event MR is travelling to attend). And in the same spirit, y'all should go cyberly sit down with Fuse and wish her blog a very happy first birthday! May there be many more.

Hope everyone has a great time at the kidlit drink night, including all the folks in town for the SCBWI Conference in NYC. I'll be thinking of y'all....


  1. I'd actually thought you might be there, being a SCBWI member and all. But I guess that there are conferences on your side of the country as well. I'll raise a glass for you.

  2. I'd love to be there, MR, but I would note that there's waaaaay more SCBWI members than NYC-attenders. There's no conference that could hold us all!!!!

    Please do raise a glass for me, and for goodness sakes, don't drop it.
