
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hugo in the news

If any of you have seen Brian Selznick's remarkable Invention of Hugo Cabret, the news that it's gonna become a movie probably won't startle you. But I must say I'm thrilled to see that it's being sized up as a potential directing vehicle for Martin Scorsese (!!!). Check the news here or if you subscribe to Variety, well, you've seen it already as the top story today. Congrats to Brian, indeed. OK, sure, Hollywood is a world of "potential" deals and whatnot, but my money's riding on seeing Hugo on the big screen.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Scorcese? That can only mean that Leonardo DiCaprio and either Al Pacino or Jack Nicholson will be involved somehow, right?

    I have to finish reading/watching the book (since the pictures are more like watching than reading, imo), and then I'll post a review of it.

    Today, I reviewed FMAS. I love that book.

  2. Thanks for the heads up!!!
    I scored a signed copy first edition at Adventures for Kids
    last Sunday thanks to Jody too
    who had snagged a few at the winter scbwi affair. Yippee!
    I feel like I won a golden ticket.
