
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Year in Review

I thought I'd take a moment here for a "year in review" type post.

I think I can do it simply:

So far, so good.

Yesterday was really a great time from start to finish, including an excursion here, and today included miniature golf AND a PopTart.

That pretty much brings y'all up to date, but I have to say I feel like I'm somehow missing something when it comes to this whole "year in review" thing. Oh, well. Maybe next time it'll make more sense, but for now I gotta book.


  1. hehehehehe.

    My 2007 has been fairly dull so far, as well.

  2. Oh, you are cracking me up.

    My year in review: Got sick. Didn't get fired. Boss got fired. Job got potentially ugly because boss got fired. Curled up with bottle of Nyquil to drift into blissful denial about potentially ugly job.
