
Monday, January 08, 2007

Ya know....

Life has kept me busy the past 48 hours, and the perfect thing to do, not to give away blogging secrets, is to post links to all the great posts folks out there are making. But that implies that I've actually READ any other blogs in the past 48 hours....

But I have read email, so I can link to something...uh... well, it's cool. It's in French, when there's speaking, but most of the eight minutes are silent beyond the music. Is it magic? Mime? Other? You be the judge tonight, and I'll be back tomorrow with somethign more on topic. But maybe not as interesting.

Jerome Murat performs


  1. Oooh, I'm in trouble now. My mom emailed me that and wanted me to post it first.

  2. Wow. I get you in trouble by posting a mime. I love the blogosphere!

    Just tell your mom not to read here... and I promise I won't blow your cover.
