
Monday, January 15, 2007

The Fibonacci family

I gotta say that when I started this blog, I didn't think folks would find it by searching Google to see "who was Leonardo Fibonacci's wife?" Nor did I think people would come here wanting to know how many children Fibonacci had... or their names... and I'm sure the folks searching for those answers didn't think they'd end up at a children's literature blog. But they do. Gotta love the Net.

Since we're talking Fibonacci, it's a good time to remind you all to remember the contest. Write Fibs, win cash. (With other cool contest elements, too).

And for Fibs that Leonardo F. himself would appreciate, why not head on over to fibocomponimenti for some Italian Fibbery?

Fibs are everywhere... and that's something else I don't think I expected when GottaBook began. Gotta love the Net!


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    hey if you are going to do this blog on fibonacci make it about fibonacci's wife.please.this is the third time i come here.i need this information for a school project.

  2. Anonymous4:16 PM

    me 2....

  3. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Good Luck finding out about his family. I have to do a school project on him and one of the things I have to look up is his family. I have looked and looked, but every cite says that there are no recordings of him getting married and having children.

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I have also looked all over the net for Fibonacci's family. The only recordings of a family is his father Guglielmo, who directed a trading post in norther Africa, and his mother Alessandra (i think), who died when Fibonacci was 9. I'm doing a report on him at school too, and I see no information on any marriage life or children.

  5. Anonymous12:17 AM

    hey, im also doing a school report on Leonardo Fibonacci and i was also wondering if u had any info on his close family, names ages of death? thanks

  6. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I am doing a booklet on him for my homework. I can't find anything on his family. I thought I had found something but it is a load of rubbish. If you are going to write a blog, write it about him!

  7. Anonymous2:06 AM

    If only there was more about Fibonacci!!!

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

    you don't do anything! why even creat this page if you don't even know about his family!

  9. Anonymous4:37 PM

    i am doing a project where i have to learn a lot of things about his family. i have to dress up or give a speech and i have to have info.
    if you find anything you guys need to post it. i really really really need the info.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    What about siblings? I need 2 know if he had any siblings.

  11. Anonymous3:15 AM

    same here plzz do it about fibonacci now u jst made me waist my time coming here wen i have an assignment due 2morrow and i've only jst started. make in more about fibonacci next time okaii

  12. Anonymous11:58 PM

    hey if you ae going to write a blog on fibonacci write about fibonacci i also came here to this site wanting to find out about his family for a school assignment i have now wasted my time and internet downloads opening this page this is absolutely dumb and stupid what sort of a person would write this blog called leonardo fibonacci and put no information about him in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    this is a load of rubbish this has no fricken thing to do about fibonacci so just give up or do something good and write something about him.

  14. Anonymous7:13 AM

    this is the stupidest thing i have ever seen, i need to know about his family for a project

  15. Anonymous8:00 AM

    this blog has nothing if your going to do a blog on leonardo then write facts about him instead of rubbish! GET A LIFE!

  16. Anonymous8:03 AM

    this blog has nothing if your going to do a blog on leonardo then write facts about him instead of rubbish! GET A LIFE!

  17. Anonymous2:16 AM

    i need stuff on his family this page dosnt have anything about him ecept his name

  18. Anonymous2:18 AM

    anyone know anything about him

  19. Anonymous2:21 AM

    i found some stuff for you guys to read if you find more stuff please put it on here. Leonardo Pisano Bigollo or commonly known as Fibonacci was the man who spread the Hindu Arabic system and mastered master the arts of geometry, arithmetic, trigonometry, and algebra . He was born around 1170ad in Pisa, Italy and died around 1250ad.

  20. Anonymous7:06 AM

    i need to learn about his family 4 a project. plese help me by reasearch

    you suck! you didnt help me:(

  21. Anonymous7:09 AM


  22. Anonymous2:44 PM

    this didn't help on my project either, and if your trying to give an answer don't just give the name of the guy I searched up and links, that's one crappy answer
