
Saturday, January 20, 2007

And, as usual, it's all about me!

OK, not really. But I do have a post in the 10th Carnival of Children's Literature. To my eyes, this seems to be the biggest Carnival yet, full of tons of great stuff. So head on over for some fun (and feel free to say thanks to Kelly for hosting).

AND, as if that wasn't enough, my January column at the ran earlier this week, though I'm just getting around to linking to it now.

Me. Me. Me. Is that all I ever think about? Don't be silly. I mean....

Whoops, my 473rd mirror just got delivered so I gotta book. Later!


  1. Ah, but it is all about you!

    You, you, you, you and yous.

  2. Hah!

    Congrats the article! I'm headed over to check it out...

  3. Oh, one more thing, Greg.

    Do you know how many searches I get for "hockey poems"? Seriously. Just because I linked to your hockey poem. You should totally write a book of them. There seems to be a market (or one hockey-obsessed parent out there).

  4. I mucho liked the book recommendations (in your momready article).
