
Sunday, December 03, 2006

More, I say. More....

While the Cybils nominating committees keep on reading, other lists and awards for 2006 are coming out. I could link you to all of them, I suppose, but I figger those of you who care enough to see them all probably are way ahead of me. Still, the New York Times list of notable children's books of the year had an interesting overlap with the Horn Book Fanfare List -- Lane Smith's John, Paul, George and Ben. In the Horn Book list it's under non-fiction (unspecified in the NYT). Huh. I admit I hadn't given the categorization much thought, and there certainly are facts sprinkled in... but I am going on record as doubting that Paul Revere every yelled loudly about extra-large underwear.

Elsewhere in linkland, another member of my fab online critique group has joined the blogosphere. Say hi to Brenda! What she doesn't mention on her site is that every penny she gets from her book is going to The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. See... these crit friends of mine are fab in many ways.


  1. The NonFiction Yahoo group
    has been on a tirade about
    Lane Smith's John, Paul, George
    and Ben being defined as
    nonfiction as they feel nothing
    but the facts defines nonfiction
    and Lane Smith took great liberties and manufactured
    wild and wacky stories as is his way. Entertaining = yes.
    But how is it to be defined?
    Magic School Bus is another that drives the librarians crazy as to
    where to place it, nonfiction or fiction?

  2. Gregory,

    I am a poet ( and a librarian (one with an MLS) and I just came across on the web Fibonacci poetry. Amazed by the idea. Am going to try to write some and publish on my blog. Got to you via Google and the NYTimes.

  3. This
    style of
    better than haiku?
    Just different and int’resting.

    So what do you think of my first attempt? Am I allowed to contract a syllable? Pronounce “different” in 2 syllables and the last line could be

    Just diff’rent and interesting.

  4. Gregory, (ignore previous comment. please!)
    style of
    better than haiku?
    Just different and int’resting.

    So what do you think of my first attempt? Am I allowed to contract a syllable? Pronounce “different” in 2 syllables and the last line could be

    Just diff’rent and interesting.

  5. I put my quibbles about Lane Smith's historical liberties on my Boston 1775 blog. Very funny, but it ain't Revolutionary history.
