
Friday, December 29, 2006

A bit of looking forward....

So, among the many things going on in 2007, I wanted to mention a brief period where I won't be cleaning my desk. And maybe you wanna join me? I'll be at the SCBWI-Ventura/Santa Barbara event The Business of Writing and Illustrating for Children: Cyber-Promotion and School Visits.

I'm going for two reasons: not only do I plan to learn a ton, but I'll also be a guest speaker, talking about blogging as a children's book writer/aspiring writer/blogger. Oh, yeah -- I also know it's going to be an absolute blast.

I hope to see some of you there... but in the meantime, I'm going to go watch our street get jackhammered to smithereens to fix a broken (and geysering) water main. Oh joy!


  1. Hope the watermain works now.

  2. Yes, we once again have all the advantages of modern indoor plumbing. There's nothing like water bubbling through pavement to get the DWP to fix things ASAP. Plus we happened to be around to get a gander at the rather large hole in the rather old pipe. What could be better?
