
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Work crashes to a halt!

Oooh, quite dramatic sounding, I know, but it's so rare that I blog about something that's not just "the writer's life" type o' stuff that I thought I'd go for the gusto. I mean, I coulda headlined this post "I was in a car accident, but I walked home from the body shop, so clearly it's got a happy enough ending" but then where's the drama? The statement is accurate however, and I only make light of the situation since no one was hurt. Automobile wise, however... well, let's just say I started off driving a mid-size but ended up in a compact.

Being a writer, of course, I feel the need to record the experience. So here in Fib form is a little ditty about my afternoon....

My car
Is renamed:
Once my chariot,
Now my Honda Accordian.

(Please, please, please know that I didn't post this so that you'd all feel compelled to leave a "glad you're okay!" comment, since unless you're totally heartless, of course you're glad. Strangers on the street were glad. The tow truck driver was glad. I'm glad, too, believe me! So, you're off the hook.)


  1. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I am, nevertheless, compelled: GLAD you're OK...

  2. glad you're okay, dude

    - Jay

    (But why'd you have to make me laugh with that Accordian I feel glad but guilty.)

  3. Glad you're still fibbing.

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Ouch. I am pleased you are all right. (my way of getting around the "Glad you're OK" bit)

    Now, did the person who hit you end up with a Lincoln Clowncar? Bah. I'll leave the witticisms to you.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Honda Accordian is hysterical.

    And I am very glad you were there to write it.

  6. Thanks, y'all. And Kelly... while I might not've blogged this at all had it not been for the Accordian line, I have to admit I'd prefer it not to have come up in my life. But since it did... well, I had to share!

  7. I'm glad that everyone else is glad that you're okay.

  8. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Holy crap, we had a Honda Accoridian too! Only I crashed it, not my husband (the primary driver).

  9. Anonymous7:17 PM

    OK, I'm not compelled. But I love Honda Accordian!!

  10. Does your Honda play Lady of Spain? Most accordions do!

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