
Friday, October 27, 2006

Thankful -- A Thanksgiving Poem

Yet another Poetry Friday is here (with this great collection of links courtesy of Liz), and this week I offer up a a little ditty to join the world's collection of Thanksgiving poetry. I figure it's never too early to celebrate the season of eating, football, and giving thanks... GottaBook style.

Gregory K.

You ask me what I'm thankful for....
I hope I don't sound jerky,
But I'm really, truly thankful that I wasn't born a turkey!

(for your procrastinatory pleasure, links to this and other poems here on GottaBook are collected to the right under the headline "The Poems".)

If you want to get all my new poems (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!


  1. Lovely. Brought a tear to my eye.


  2. It's never too early or late to be thankful. We have so many things to be thankful for everyday. And a nice poem. Hope you keep on writing such poetry more often......and keep sharing it with us. If you are looking for more ideas and suggestions on Thanksgiving be sure to visit this Thanksgiving Blog real soon. It's filled with all the wonderful stuffs that this season of warmth and laughter has to offer.

  3. Or a yam, for that matter.

  4. You should also be thankful you're not a chicken--they'd be after you all year!

    Thanksgiving already? I had better get cracking! Time to make the reduction sauce...time to make the reduction sauce.

    Is there any such product known as turkey jerky?

    Here's the title of a great picture book to read at Thanksgiving time:
    TURK AND RUNT, which was written by Lisa Wheeler and illustrated by Frank Ansley

  5. Good point on the yam thing, Don. I'm also glad I'm not stuffing.

    And Elaine, there is turkey jerky AND I love getting readaloud and poem suggestions from you! But I hope the time spent suggesting doesn't take time away from reducing....

  6. Okay...want some books to read aloud for Halloween?

    These are all retellings of old tales:

    THE TAILYPO: A GHOST STORY--told by Joanna Galdone and illustrated by Paul Galdone. My kids LOVED!!! this book. It was one they requested over and over again.
    This is great for first, second, and even third grade students.

    COLD FEET--story by Cynthia DeFelice and illustrations by Robert Andrew Parker. Just a touch macabre. Probably for second grade and above. Tale is set in Scotland and comes with a bagpiper as its main character.

    KATE CULHANE: A GHOST STORY by Michael Hague. This is an Irish tale. I read it to fourth graders in the library. Just creepy enough for kids this age. (Blood, a ghost, a coffin in a graveyard.)

  7. On another topic, "Blog 'n Grog" was a great suggestion.

  8. Anonymous2:26 PM

    That was mad cute
