
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rhyme in the news... and it's good news

Here's a rather amazing story from Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert. About 18 months ago, he lost his voice due to something called Spasmodic Dysphonia -- from which there is no known cure. Yet per his recent blog post, he has regained his voice... in no small part due to a nursery rhyme!

Read the story to be reminded that the brain and the world are rather remarkable....


  1. It is a very cool post and life experience for Scott. What I liked most about the post is how he turned it around to others and asked about his readers' best days. The comments go on and on, and are inspirational in their scope. From the people who cite the standard "birth of their child" to the people who regained the ability to walk to the people who appreciate every day as a gift. It's a beautiful thing to see people sharing joys in such a spontaneous forum.

  2. Yeah, MotherReader, I completely agree. That's the web at its most "community" based... a wonderful thing indeed.

  3. That's an incredibly cool story. And I agree with you both, the community response was just as good.
