
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I've got blisters on me fingers!

Between 14 Fabulous Fibs and a variety of other stuff (all far, far less important, I quickly note, in case any editor types are lurking), I've been typing at my computer an alarming number of hours a day. Now, I don't really have blisters (and I've got me a whoppingly great ergonomic keyboard to make sure I don't have any such hand issues), but I have been starting to wonder why we writers don't have trainers like sports teams do to help keep us finely tuned during these big workload times. How wonderful it would be to have someone massaging my arms as I finish a paragraph or exhorting me on with a "let me re-adjust your sacrum so you can finish up that comic set-piece!"

For those of you looking for gift ideas for the writer in your life (and of course, since you're here, you must admit that I am a writer in your life if not THE writer), you could do worse than the above. But for most of us, chocolate and/or coffee will be just as good.

In fact... it's time to caffeinate, so I gotta book.


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    <<.. chocolate and/or coffee will be just as good...>>

    Duly noted...(a small price to pay..)

  2. Well, now, don't be hasty. I mean really... there are lots and lots of excellent gift choices. A vacation home, or a new car, or a trip to Hawaii or....

    I'm just saying if the price is TOO small!

  3. I dunno. I just looked at the link and the ergonrenejnjerie keyboard looks scary to me.

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Was the title of this blog by any chance a touching homage to Family Guy doing a touching homage to The Beatles...or do I watch too much television?

  5. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Whoa, GK...let's not get too piggish here.

    I was , however, thinking of something QUITE expensive...a large cappuccino at Starbuck's, no less.
