
Sunday, October 22, 2006


When creating a school library on no budget at all, you don't tend to think much about ancillaries like, oh, furniture. Still, when some generous blog reader one day says "gee, here's a gazillion dollars to fund your library so you can hire a librarian, actually BUY books, and furnish your room however you want," I'd potentially advocate for some Big Cozy Books. I kinda like the last set-up pictured here, personally, as I feel inspired to pick up that #2 pencil and fill in the rest of that story.

Anyone ever seen these in person? Curling up with and on a good book sure seems like a nice idea....


  1. Those are great. Some people have such imagination. I would have loved to have some of those Big Cozy Books in my library!

  2. This companay exhibits every year at Texas Library Association. They are fantastic. You can have the benches customized with the classic book titles of your choice (titles in public domain, that is.) The floor mats are fantastic.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Heck, forget the library. I want this stuff in my house.

  4. We have these at our library - we bought a smaller size version they sell - I love the look of them and they are so much fun in our children's room, BUT - they are fabric, they get drooled on, spilled on, etc. and they do not spot clean well - that is my only "beef" with these. They are so fun though.

  5. Hey, y'all, thanks for the first hand reports. And Jen, I agree... in a house would be a blast. Plus that'd probably cut down on the fabric issue that Becky mentions. But still and all, I really gotta say I find them reallllly appealing and could easily deal with a little wear.
