
Monday, September 18, 2006

Oh, no. No N-O!

I once read that Oz was named for the O-Z tag on a filing cabinet. At the moment, then, I'm working on a piece about the land of NO! Seems that somehow in our school's move, one box of library books has gone AWOL. Breaking my heart, it's a box of picture books. And, as you might be able to guess now, it's by authors whose last names start with N or O.

The odds of one of 160 boxes somehow disappearing seem slim, particularly a box that was not first or last in the pile. So, I suspect it's somewhere waiting to be discovered. In the meantime, however, our libary... now ready to open after a marathon day full o' volunteers... is sadly lacking some wonderful stories.




  1. Did you see this? (or hear it on NPR?)


  2. Mary Lee, that is fantastic! I'm going with a "keep it brief" theme for Tuesday, so I'm gonna steal this one. Thanks!

  3. Maybe the box is upside-down. It's the one labeled ON.

  4. I feel for ya. Last week I helped box up one of our smaller branches because it's getting remodeled. Thankfully, they gave me the children's book section. But next week we reshelve the books.

    I'll let you know if I come across any boxes labeled O-N that don't belong to us.

    - Jay

  5. Phooey. I know what it's like to want (make that neeeeeeeeeeed) a particular book and not be able to find or get it. Argh. At least "absence makes the heart grow fonder" applies to books as well as people...
