
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Let them do it....

I sat down to blog, but ended up reading folks on my blogroll (over to the right and down). Boy, no wonder I've got all those folks listed!

Anyway, I decided that instead of writing anything new today, I'd just link to a few of my favorite posts. And it really is only a few out of MANY.

Over at Bartography, Chris has this fantastic post that has links to all the books he's used with his kids while teaching history (from prehistory to the present!). Picture books, biographies, and quite often with great notes about what worked and didn't. Fantastic.

Over at Adventures in Pond Scum, Alan not only has a funny, original cartoon (and one in the prior post, too), but he also in the same post talks about that amazing range of emotions a writer can go through, even in one day.

Over at the Blue Rose Girls (and not on her own blog, this time), Alvina talks about coming out as a blogger. Lotta interesting questions and comments there.

And that post led me to Justina Chen Headley's new blog called BookSmart. She's talking about promotion, branding, contacts... all sorts of business-side writerly stuff here, and that's stuff I often think we writers miss.

I could link dozens more, but instead I again say "follow the blogroll" and be off with you!


  1. Many thanks, Greg. And hey, last night, I read the Roberto Clemente and Buzz Aldrin books to my two-year-old. Wow, and wow! If those books don't "work," I don't know what will.

  2. Yes, thanks for reading and contributing, Greg. You are the voice of reason!
