
Monday, August 21, 2006

Whew (pt. 2)

A whirlwind weekend of running hither and thither is now done. For the record, the appetizers were better in thither, but the weather in hither was divine. In my absence, I see that Fuse #8 returned and immediately posted reviews and news and links. I thought the whole point of vacation was that you could use it as an excuse to take a couple days to "ease back in" to normal.

On this end, the week will consist of our first plaintive attempts to dive back into the school library situation. When last we left our 10,000 books, they were packed up in boxes and moved to the grounds of our new location.... However, we didn't have access to what will be their new home, so they're in storage. Sigh. Feels like we've been moving books for the last 15 months (which, of course, we have). Perhaps I'll return to thither.

I'm more excited about the fact that I see chunks this week. By this, I happen to mean solid chunks of writing time (hereby defined as 3 solid hours or more) not big blocks of meat or anything. Still, chunks have been hard to find this summer, so I'm looking forward to it.

Though I gotta say... my desk is starting to look a little messy.


  1. Congratulations on gettin' chunky!!!

    - Jay

  2. also...several chunks on a skewer can make a fine tastin' shisk-ka-blog!

  3. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Good luck with getting the library books out of boxes, and into kids' hands, sometime. And enjoy the chunks, too. (There's a sentence I've never written before).

  4. It's not a vacation unless you can churn out review after review of the children's books you've just read on your handy dandy laptop in your rental car. That what me dear sweet grandma always used to say. *sniffle*

  5. Thanks all for the chunky-good wishes. And Fuse, it's clear we weren't separated at birth. My grandmother would've been concerned about typing while driving, car sickness, and most of all about the radiation emitted from your laptop.

    Though she'd've loved your reviews.
