
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Oooh. Wireless!

So, they (and in this case that means the person who answered the phone) tell me that there's a wireless network in the lobby of the hotel where the SCBWI Conference is. I'm thinking I might try and blog the Conference a wee bit for y'all who aren't coming this year. Might even be able to snag some special guests, I'd think. I contemplate this mostly cuz there simply isn't enough ELSE to do in the next four days. Still, many lunches and breaks and evening drinks take place up where they claim that network is. Hmmm. Verrrrrry interesting.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey there.

    My rather long-winded account of the benefit King/Irving/Rowling reading is posted on the blog.

    A couple reasonably fun Harry Potter spoilers included.

    It was an incredible evening!
