
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Oooh. It's all connected.

Like all of you, I'm sure, I'm gearing up for the September 4th showing of Behind the Camera: the Unauthorized Story of Diff'rent Strokes (at 8PM on NBC and written by yours truly). What? You're not. Well forget all this back to school/end of summer stuff. Let's focus on what's REALLY important over Labor Day Weekend -- nostalgia and unbelievably painful stories! Having seen the movie tonight, I'm reminded again of the fact that I really never should complain about anything much career-wise. Or really in general, come to think of it.

I'm also reminded that it was during this project that I attended my very first SCBWI conference, started learning about the world of children's literature, and made the connections that would ultimately have me writing what I'm writing today -- the 14 Fabulous Fibs.

This undoubtedly proves something profound about cycles, luck, timing, and all that good stuff, but I'll leave that for the philosophers... though I understand that Plato reads my blog on a daily basis which, of course, is a name that brings us full circle back to Diff'rent Strokes.

Yes, connections are everywhere... though sometimes we have to tilt our head and squint to see 'em. And since I've been doing that a little too long this evening, I gotta book.


  1. Greg, I just realized that your "gotta book deal!" post was the very very first post I saw when I came to your site. So to me, you've always had a book deal and been the fabulous glamourous person you are.

  2. Also, I think you're mistaken. It's not Plato that reads your blog every day. It PLUTO. And he's not so amused by your flippant little poem of last week.

  3. I've got my calendar marked! And I don't even get TV, so this is gonna take special effort on my part. :D


  4. Freep-Boy, I cannot BELIEVE you did not call me to tell me the date! Haven't I been bugging you about this for like a year? Thank goodness I checked your blog today and scheduled it into my Tivo.

    Rita, I can Tivo it and copy to DVD for you. Although, is that illegal or something? Not sure.

    And why aren't we having a premier party??

    Congrats on that. Can't wait!


  5. CAN you, Eve??

    THAT would be GREAT!!!

    So, who do I have to contact before saying, "Party at Greg's House!"?

    (Probably Greg?)

    :D :D :D
