
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My past catches up to me!

Long before I was a Fibber, I was busy writing, giving birth to various projects for TV and movie screens instead of the page and computer screen. During the excitement of the past weekend, I failed to notice that one of my babies will soon see the light of day. This project was unlike any I'd ever taken on. In a lot of ways, really. And oh my, are there stories to tell, many of which are flooding back to me now.

Sure, lots of kidlit bloggers break news about release dates of the Harry Potter movie or casting on Coraline. But me? Well, I think I'm breaking this news in the kidlitosphere.

So what is this particular project, you ask as you sit on the edge of your seat, the tension almost too much to bear?

Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Diff'rent Strokes!

My favorite thing about that link on IMDB is that the movie already has seven votes, but the darn thing has never aired! Whatchoo talking 'bout, voters? Now, after September 4th (on NBC from 8-10pm) we'll see if the movie can hold that 6.9 rating, but for now I'd take it with a grain of salt.

Perhaps this movie will become a running topic on the blog, if folks are interested, but for now I'm simply announcing da news.


  1. Everybody's buzzing about this one. Well, OK, one guy at my office is buzzing about this one. When he shared the news with me the other day, I took great delight in telling him that I knew the guy who wrote it.

    This came up because we were discussing a photo of two Diff'rent Strokes guest stars -- Nancy Reagan and Mr. T, the former sitting in the latter's lap at a White House Christmas party -- a photo that I had somehow not been aware of at the time but which has recently made my life much richer.

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Likes his fibs,
    but can't resist strokes,
    and gives us a seven pointer!!

    (Note that I remembered this time to include the 2-syllable line!)

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Oh. My goodness.

    I was just saying my friends would love to see this!

    And now they can.

    And they will.



  4. Looking forward to it Greg!
