
Friday, August 04, 2006

Blogging the SCBWI Summer Conference (pt. 2)

I write to you from poolside here at in Century City. I cannot see a cloud, there's a lovely breeze, and the wireless is easy. It's a hard job being your correspondent, but someone's gotta do it.

There's been a lotta talk about "ideas" today. Mo Willems noted that ideas are the easy part... but not all ideas can be fed and nurtured to become something worthy. Jacqueline Woodson said that characters come to her and tell her stuff and she writes it down and it doesn't always make sense... but she knows it will eventually. And Elise Primavera spoke of NOT telling everyone your "big idea" right when you have it, as you'll get overloaded with feedback and lose what was special about it.

Of particular interest to me and many o' my picture book pals was the almost throwaway comment by agent Jodi Reamer that the picture book market has really improved. Yes, she really said that.

School visits, editors, writing tips, marketing ideas... it's flying all around. As are folks I only know from the blogosphere/online. Very fun. Oh, and jokes.

I'd also note that this year, I'm one of the 16% of attendees who are male. This means little, of course, except when restroom breaks are needed. Then it's swell.

Time to watch the sunset, then ead to a wine and cheese reception. I know. I know. The things I have to go through....

1 comment:

  1. Poolside! And you get to hear Mo et al?...not fair - but actually VERY fair, cuz that's part of the priveledge of being a writer...esp. one with a wireless connection!

    Keep up the posts - however brief - it's great to "feel" like I'm there..., if reading about it is the same thing, which considering it's all about writers - it kind of is!

