
Friday, July 07, 2006

GOAL! -- A Soccer Poem

In honor of the World Cup final this weekend (and for Poetry Friday)...

Gregory K.

I scored a goal.
Oh, what a perfect day.
I kicked the ball so hard and true.
Oh, what a perfect play.

Why would you boo?
This always was my dream:
I shot it past the goalie and...
Oh, he’s on my team.

(for your procrastinatory pleasure, links to this and other poems here on GottaBook are collected to the right under the headline "The Poems".)

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  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Lovely. Thanks.

  2. That would be me, scoring for the other team.

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    who wrote this poem???

  4. I wrote the poem, and have now added that info to the post itself (where it was, in fact, missing). All the poems linked to the right on the blog are my originals. Need more info? Check my profile or feel free to e-mail me.

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    thats funny except u cant get it by me

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    This is a true poem!!!! but that player will never ever get passed the ultimate!

  7. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Is it ok to use your poem for a report Im doin on soccer?

  8. Anonymous4:52 PM

    yeah i got to do a project on poems too

  9. You can use the poem as long as you keep my name as the author and, if appropriate, report where you found the poem. And thanks for asking!

  10. Anonymous4:59 PM

    This poem is totally awesome! I think you should get it published..... Or maybe write a whole book of soccer poems and publish them, I would definitley buy it. Soccer is my passion!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous10:40 AM

    dang that must suck but it is a nice one though

  12. Anonymous1:18 PM

    hey... i need ur poem... but im using u as the author and is it ok to say the url and all that???

  13. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Hey, love the poem. That has happened to me before. Anyway, I love the poems that you have written. Thank you.

  14. Anonymous7:58 PM

    That was good

  15. Anonymous6:08 PM

    hey thats so funny i wish i could write poems like that!!!and im in a girls soccer team and im the goalie and if my team would of scored on me i would miss it!!!!!!!!lol!!

  16. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Bravo, man. I'm putting this in my project. ;)

  17. this poem is the bomb! is it ok if i use it for a poetry prodject?

  18. Anonymous5:19 PM

    gregory, i have to write a narrative poem about soccer for school and im really bad at writing stuff. So please help me!! Just leave your awnser in your comment box.

    Thanks =]

  19. Anonymous5:34 AM

    im gonna use this for a project to
    thats hillaroius
    i would hate it if someone on my team scored a goal on me
    i doubt they would be able to get it past me though
    that goally must have sucked
    thast or it was an extreamly good kick

  20. Anonymous6:16 PM

    my 9 year old soccer fanatic son just LOVES this poem. Hes been reciting it all night, practicing for being 'poet of the week' in his class- hes made a poster of it *of course keeping your name as auther, added a picture and has to recite it to the class! Hes already got it memorized and laughs to himself every single time! Thanks!

  21. Anonymous6:21 AM

    May I please use this for a power point project im doing on David Beckham?

    Please & Thank you!

    -Heather (14 yearsold.)

  22. sexy soccer babe2:48 PM

    my school is hosting a poem contest, i wanted to use this poem, is that o.k
    i love it, it is hilarious!!
    i hope i can be a sexy soccer babe when i grow up/a proffecial soccer player. AWSOME POEM DUDE!!!!

  23. omg. i loved this poem......i want to use it...please...if that is ok. i know sexy soccer babe. she is hot!! well, i hope to be a soccer player when i grow up. AWSOME POEM!!!keep writing!! wish me luck on my soccer game tomorrow, sexy soccer babe will be there, i wanna impress her.

  24. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Nice, I like it. I'm using it for a project too, if you don't mind. Lol, that happened on our team before. Out goalie wasn't paying attention, and our defense scored on her. It was pretty freaking funny, considering we still won the game, lol. Keep rockin on, dude!

  25. Anonymous10:40 AM


  26. Anonymous3:39 AM

    This is wonderful. Its very funny too. I am using this for my project too! But, I will credit you (:

  27. Anonymous6:40 PM

    what emotion is in this poem?

  28. Anonymous6:43 PM

    i am doing a project with this poem and i was wondering if you could help i have to find the emotion.
    how the words in the poem set the poems tone, mood and atmosphere.

  29. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I love this Poem :) I am going to use this for my project and I know my friends will love it! (Btw I am keeping your name on it Gregory)

  30. Michael4:15 PM

    Dear Gregory K.,
    I am doing a project for school and I need information such as why did you write this poem, where you are from, and what inspired you to write this poem and such. If you could tell me this information it would be very useful ASAP.

    Thank You,
    Michael D., 11

  31. Hi, Michael - I wrote this poem from a childhood memory (though it wasn't me who kicked the ball into my own goal!). And I wrote it because it seemed funny, too. (Oh... and I'm now from Los Angeles, CA).
