
Friday, July 21, 2006

Flying time....

Vacation time has zipped past faster than I'd ever expected, and one day soon you'll find me back at my desk and you'll see me take on a more serious font again and.... Oh, forget that. I'm never more serious.

I did not discover the time it takes to drive this battery to zero (though I came close), and I did not become the golden tan boy of my youth. Apparently I'm the lucky type for whom sunblock works as an impenetrable shield that woulda made life on the Enterprise much easier for Kirk and the gang. Endless books have been read, too many giant meals digested, boats, planes, and fountains admired, work accomplished, and family and friends seen. Oh, yeah, and did I mention I had lunch with my editor? I'll have to check back posts to see if that came up.

Remarkably, I see that the annual SCBWI Conference starts in TWO WEEKS, and I have a school library to move before then as well as 14 Fabulous Fibs to write. It promises to be an intensely busy month or so, and I'm looking forward to it greatly. Thanks to you all for coming on vacation with me, but there's a bit more beach time available so I gotta book. Catch ya on the other coast....

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