
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Crossing out of the blogosphere. And lunch!

Yesterday was quite a day in blog related action, as I met -- yes, MET -- two fellow bloggers who had only been cyber acquantainces before. Oh, yeah... I also had lunch with my editor. Ahhhh, I've wanted to say "my editor" for some time, so forgive me for not just saying "I had lunch with Arthur" or something less ME-based.

Lunch was nice, of course, and not business-y. I may even have had dessert, and if I did, it might've been warm berry crumble with mint-vanilla ice cream. But I won't say for sure. I also got to see the Scholastic offices, chat with the stupendous Rachel Griffiths again and meet editor and blogger extraordinaire Cheryl Klein. I also managed not to go broke in the Scholastic store. I view all of this as goooooood.

As if this wasn't enough, earlier in the morning, I'd met the funny and charming Fuse #8! It is true, as she oft states, that she works with the original Winnie the Pooh watching her. But what she's failed to mention is that Eeyore and Piglet are watching, too. That's a lot of pressure, though she clearly handles it with aplomb. Fuse becomes the first person I've met who I've only known from the blogosphere, so I view this as a day where somehow things moved to a different level. Don't know what that means, exactly, but it's another phrase I love saying since I think it leads to confusion and open-ended interpretation. Cool.

More later, but there's a big city out there and much to do. So I gotta book.


  1. Once again, are my hero!

    Sounds like you're having tons o' fun. Can't wait to hear even more about it.

    - Jay

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Way cool! Glad that your trip is going well. I'm going to meet Susan from Chicken Spaghetti at a conference later this month, and I'm looking forward to that. I also met Kim from Kim's Book Blog on a trip to Phoenix a while back. She was my first "blog friend in person." It was a bit surreal, but a lot of fun. As for lunching with an editor, well, that's an amazing thing.

  3. Well it was just lovely meeting you too, Greg. Technically I've met four or five bloggers before now, but you're my first male blogger. I like to think that that should count for something.

  4. Wonderful, wonderful, those people at AAL Books. And I'm jealous, you got to meet fuse#8 AND say hello to Pooh and friends!

  5. Yeah, it was a stupendous day. And heck, I was encouraged to order the lobster roll. I mean, come on now... that's just awful nice for a librarian to say. Oh, wait, that was Arthur. And yes, Lisa, they sure do seem like wonderful folks.
