
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Oh, goodie.

Yes, today blogger was giving some of us problems, and I learned a very valuable lesson: I might as well face it, I'm addicted to blog.

This probably comes as no surprise either to people who know me OR to people who blog. And now, of course, that blogger's working, I gotta book. Go figger.

Recent library read-alouds:

Terrific -- Jon Agee
Bark, George -- Jules Feiffer
Knuffle Bunny -- Mo Willems
Leonardo the Terrible Monster -- Mo Willems


  1. Great books all, I agree. But I have to know, did you pronounce Knuffle Bunny with the hard "K" as the author (a pal of mine) intended?

  2. Yes, yes I did. AND I told how it had been heard from Mo Willems himself that it was a hard K. I then did a 15 minute riff on YOU, Mother Reader!

    BTW... three of those four books were gifts to my school from a GottaBook blog reader!!!!
