
Monday, June 26, 2006

A moneymaking idea?

You know you have a viable product idea when friends say "I'd buy it," and you search EBay and can't find something similar for sale.

So I want to invent a "plot laxative" for when you're stuck on an idea. Ya know, everything's bottled up inside and you're so close but you just can't get it out... on paper.

Not that I'd ever need this. All my ideas burst forth fully formed, of course. But, I mean really, I talk to other writer pals and this is something THEY need.

Please alert me to any pre-orders....


  1. Do I get to binge on pizza and ice cream first?

  2. Word choices indeed lol. It might sell better if you find another term, though, Greg :).

    Because the image conjured up by the original term and "All my ideas burst forth" is just a tad too graphic for me...
