
Sunday, June 04, 2006


While we have not been reduced to sitting around in our bones ala the Shel Silverstein poem, it's been mighty hot here in LA this weekend. So I started wondering if there was a "hot day" book that was kinda the equivalent of Ezra Jack Keats "Snowy Day." Not a "my day at the beach" book, mind you, but something with that feeling of joyous exploration/new worldness... but in this case all about excessive heat, sweat glands, and a sun so bright you get burned by even thinking about it. Anyone got one? No? Huh. And here I thought there was a book about everything....

In the meantime, here's a few of the recent library read-alouds:

Ah - Josse Goffin
Say Hey!: A Song of Willie Mays - Peter Mandel. Illus. by Don Tate
Duke Ellington -- Andrea Davis Pinkney. Illus. by Brian Pinkney
Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride - Pam Munuz Ryan. Illus. by Brian Selznick

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes I do. 'Sun Dance, Water Dance" by Jonathan London "In this dreamy ode to summer, a group of friends spends a carefree day enjoying the great outdoors. This book captures the pleasures of plunging into snowmelt water after baking in the sun, walking barefoot, having picnics in the shade of a willow tree, and sleeping out under the stars."
