
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Busy, busy.

The combination of (gasp) work, end of the school-year stuff, and upcoming summer has kept your GottaBook host running around wildly. Today, with hopes of another post later, I bring you a couple links to keep you busy:

MotherReader has more info on her 48 Hour Book Challenge.

Jen Robinson has a great list of Cool Girls from Kid Lit. Folks are still suggesting names, by the way. Great reading list as well.

Don Tate talks about Black males in children's books. Good list and good comments there.

And finally, I'm happy to join other bloggers in welcoming Esme Raji Codell to the blogosphere. Her blog looks like it'll be offering tons of great reading/read-aloud suggestions, so I'm looking forward to following it and finding lots and lots of gems.

More later, but now I gotta book.

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