
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Books, I tell ya.

Just like June itself, reviews are busting out all over as part of Mother Reader's 48 Hour Book Review Challenge.

I don't really review books here, but I guess the closest I come is in mentioning library read-alouds. So, in what will likely be the last list until the fall...

And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street - Dr. Seuss
Learning to Fly - Sebastien Meschenmoser
A Giraffe and a Half - Shel Silverstein
Traction Man is Here - Mini Grey
Oh, the Places You'll Go - Dr. Seuss

It's a gorgeous summer day here, and while I could say "I'm off to great places, I'm off and away" instead I'll just say that I gotta book.

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