
Friday, May 26, 2006

Why I love the Net (reason 10,001)

If you didn't see the brief exchange in the comments of a recent post here, I'll recap: librarian extraordinaire Fuse #8 had recommended Jules Feiffer's Bark, George as a great read-aloud... but I noted that we didn't have a copy of it at the school library I've been helping create this year.

Well, guess what?

Thanks to a GottaBook reader's generosity, there's a copy ON THE WAY! Nope, I kid you not. And a copy of Learning to Fly! And, I'm told, a couple other rocking, rolling, great read-aloud picture books.

So, a very public THANK YOU!!!!

PS: Imagine hearing that "thank you" from a couple hundred kids, not just that lovable GottaBook fellow. It sounds better when they say it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Do you have Nick Bruel's Bad Kitty? Have you read it?
