
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Waxing poetic...

Cleaning out a rarely used box in my office closet today, I ran into something purchased in New Orleans maaaaannnnyyyy years ago: a candle from a "Magick" shop labeled The Spirit of Writing.

With so many projects batting around the old desktop, seems like a good time to light this puppy. I'll update y'all on its powers later... assuming I can clear off the layers of dust and grime on the wick! I do remember buying the candle to give as a gift (never given, obviously) at the same place I bought something for my then-lawyer: a "potion" called "Other Lawyer Be Stupid." How can you not believe in that????

1 comment:

  1. hehehe...

    I'm dying to know what their other potions were. I know my friends would find "ex-husband be paying child support" useful.
