
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A McGraw-Hill amusement...

I did a quick search today to see if there was any new news in the McGraw-Hill/Patricia Polacco situation. Imagine my amusement when my search turned up... concert links for Tim McGraw and Faith Hill (husband and wife country-singing superstars).

I then tried to come up with other teamings in the realm of children's literature. I didn't do so well (okay, I didn't spend THAT much time on it), but if any of you have some good combos, let me know. I came up with a whopping two:

Little Richard and James Brown
Ben Harper and Phil Collins

A tip of the cyber cap to anyone who can match Paul Simon with a famous "Schuster" singer....


  1. Billie Holiday and Son House, of course...

  2. Oh, very nice!

    What about Tommy Lee and the band Low?
