
Tuesday, May 30, 2006


As this school year comes to an end, I find myself reflecting again and again on the amazing amount of generosity I've run into this year in building our elementary school library. While it's said that everyone will offer advice, some people do so for the best of reasons... and give whopping good advice, to boot. At the library, the advice gave me avenues to get books, weed books, find books to read-aloud and so much more.

The amount of time so many parents and library-friends dedicated to the library this year is another remarkable form of generosity. It's easy to say "well, that's what it takes!" But it's far rarer, I think, to see "it" actually happen.

And then, of course, there are the generous individuals and organizations who gave us books, organized book drives, or sent us, gasp, specific titles/gift certificates! A special tip o' the hat to my fellow SCBWI members, so many of whom have helped in ways small and large. And as I mentioned here, one reader of this blog bought us books... and this weekend another sent an gift certificate! It kinda restores your faith in humanity, you know?

I will likely not speak of this too often, lest this become a lovefestblog, but I promise to announce any noteworthy events (such as if McGraw-Hill donates the entire catalog of Patricia Polacco books).

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