
Saturday, April 22, 2006

"Tell Us a Fib"

There are different levels by which one can judge the spread of Fibbery, but I gotta say that tonight/tomorrow brings one of flabbergasting (Fibbergasting?) proportions... to me, at least. Yes, the Washington Post's Style Invitational for Week 659 is a Fib contest (with some added Fib-spirited rules: entries must be about a person or topic in the news AND with two successive lines that rhyme). I am speechless... though I won't remain that way until results are posted May 21.

For those not familiar with The Style Invitational by name, I still bet you've seen results of many of their competitions. So what say you, readers of GottaBook and original Fibbers? Can one of you win the Inker?

As for other Fib-related things... as always, there are handy links over to the right under the headline "The Fibs" that will take you to the posts of Fibbery. Also, all Fib posts are still viewable here on the blog main page just by scrolling down. Hundreds and hundreds of Fibs lurk in the comments of posts here... and the comments section of this very post is a fine place to leave new Fibs, if the fancy strikes.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Congratulations! The Style Invitational is really the big time!

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    How are you
    Camp is very fun
    Are you going to pick me up
    Gazeing out our window is a breath taking sight
    It gives me joy
    Sometimes I feel like Floating
    In bed in the morning I see rippling waves
    To be here
