
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Fibs and the mail.

In looking through all the Fibs here on the blog and thinking about the ones I've read elsewhere, I can't seem to recall any references to The DaVinci Code in any of them. But oddly, the question I've been asked most in e-mail is if I was inspired by the book or the movie. Well, no. I mean, sure, the Fibonacci sequence is in there, but the fact of the matter is that I finally opened a copy of the book for the first time this week. But I think it's clear from reading around that folks knew of the sequence for scores of other reasons, not just DaVinci related.

Meanwhile, tension was thick in the air today as The Knitting Curmudgeon was due to announce the results of her Fib contest. She's extended the contest date, but I will now reveal my secret: I entered. I am not sure if I hope to win or hope to lose, thus showing that Fibs have reached a level where folks are better at 'em than I am. That in turn would prove... well... nothing, really, other than there's just tons of incredibly clever folks out there who can do amazing things with words.

For those here seeking Fibs, you might want to scroll down and look around or look to the right in the blog for the useful links under the headline "The Fibs." As always, feel free to add your own Fib to the comments anywhere.


  1. OK Greg, I'll get you started.

    Enjoyable book
    It combines baseball with folktale
    Great fun for the kiddies and their sport nuts parents too.

    Yes, you can use it on your blog when you write a fib for Crash

  2. Anonymous5:09 AM

    despite pain
    and when my hand fails
    when the piled pages fill my room
    instead of quitting it is time to write still faster
    and if words run out to write nonsense syllables that stifle the horrible silence

    [posted on my blog with two illustrative links]
