
Friday, April 21, 2006

Fibbishly, he linked.

I was gonna link in tomorrow's Toronto Star aritcle, but it's really just the Motoko Rich article from the New York Times again. Mind you, I don't get tired of reading it... but I'm afraid some of you might. Oh, but wait -- look at the box off to the right of the article text. Send us your Fibs! Wooo hooo! It's a call to Poetic Arms. Now I say post your Fibs here and also send 'em to the Star! (Yesss. I found an excuse to link AGAIN!).

Like my first thought above, while it's great fun for me, I'm not sure anyone else wants to see links to this blog from various course syllabi. But one thing I can safely note is that there is still a lot of great Fibbing going on out there, for example at the Bookaholic's blog. Good stuff in so many places, I must say.

Tomorrow, I'm heading off to the SCBWI-LA Writer's Day. For those who've read the original Fib post (waaaay down at the bottom of the blog's main page or findable via the link on the right), it was at LAST year's event that I heard the talk that would ultimately start me Fibbing. A year later, and look where things are!

Also on the children's literature front (and really, that was a constant theme before Fibbery jumped up and became so much fun), the new issue of The Edge of the Forest is up. Chock full of kid-lit reviews, thoughts, an interview, links, and more... it's great reading.

For those looking for Fibbery, there are handy links to the right in the blog (underneath the headline "The Fibs") or you can just scroll down. Pop into the comments of all the Fib related posts and see some great Fibbery. Again, I hope you'll leave new Fibs here in the comments of this post or others (then send 'em off to the Star, too). Now it's late, and I'll be up early, so I gotta book. Fib on!


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Put on your wet suit:
    Canadians surf the Fib wave.

  2. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Dear Gregory,
    This fibonnet was created on 06/06/2003.
    It is based on the fact that the squares of successive Fibonacci numbers build a full rectangle, coming at each step nearer the golden rectangle.
    The principle is to write stanzas of 1x1, 1x2, 2x3, 3x5... letters,
    each new stanza containing previous stanzas to be read by a right quarter of turn at each step.
    The fibonnet was in French:
    Ô or ! résolu sur un élan érosif,
    ne figure un îlot écrasé,
    le brûlot fraisé récent !
    Ecriture en spire bannie,
    à disputer en marge du golf,
    cette loi filetée, née de défis originaux,
    mena l'écrit devenu ruse à ce tour...

    My translation doesn't include the constraint:
    O gold! solved on an erosive bound,
    do not figure a crushed islet,
    the recently milled firebrand!
    Writing in bannished spiral,
    to dispute apart from golf,
    this screwed law, born from original challenges,
    lead the text to become a turning trick...

    the 6 stanzas with, for each one the previous stanza in capital letters:
    o (1x1)

    Or (1x2)

    Res (2x3)

    SUrun (3x5)

    NEFigure (5x8)

    ECRITureenspi (8x13)

    A fibonnet of 8 stanzas and 1155 letters to be read there:

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    You see,
    really wants boundaries.
    Fib: haiku’s hot older brother.
