
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Librarian rock star!

Do you notice a little spring in my font today? A package of books just arrived at home, including David Wiesniewski’s Secret Knowledge of Grown-ups: The Second File. In a quick scan, I can say I don’t think it’s quite as strong as the first one (probably cuz we're in on the joke), but I laughed out loud quite a few times anyway. Regardless, when I reveal this book at the library on Wednesday, I’m telling ya, there’ll be cheers. It's as close to a rock star as I'll ever be. I must go plan my wardrobe....

Someone emailed asking me how often I do the read-alouds at the library. I’m currently only doing one day a week, two classes. I had many weeks where I did seven classes... and even more when I did four or five. I hope those days are behind me, as the time commitment was tough. Although, in truth… every now and then guest parents come in and read during library time. This is WONDERFUL for the kids to see, of course, and the parents often share books I otherwise might not know. But the secret knowledge of this grown-up is that I’m jealous when others are reading and I’m not! Maybe I was the right guy for this gig after all (note: that doesn't mean we don't need a trained librarian. Any of you interested in donating the money to pay for one, please get in touch!).


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I have never heard of this book. Is there a "First File"?

  2. Elisa -- the first book is called The Secret Knowledge of Grownups. I think I wrote about it in one of my earlier pretentious posts. it's by David Wiesniewski as well. It's truly inspired stuff (which I read one or two at a time, not the whole book at a time). I'd also add that parents who stopped by also laughed, as did the teachers. I sold it hard, as well, maintaining that this knowledge IS real. Some of the kids who've heard me still believe that Vegetables once ruled the Earth, but I promise to set 'em straight by college.
