
Friday, June 28, 2013

Almost There.... - a writing poem/a poem poem

Almost There....
Greg Pincus

I've been thinking about a new poem.
I can see the way it should begin.
Yet the writing is pending
'Til I know the ending -
I don't want to leave it unfin...!

Happy Summer, y'all (well... y'all in the Northern Hemisphere!). This week's Poetry Friday Roundup is over at The Poem Farm where Amy Ludwig VanDerwater keeps you stocked in poetry all year round.

And if you want to get all the poems hereabouts (and only the poems) emailed to you for freeee as they hit the blog, enter your email address in the box below then click subscribe!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Congratulations, Kenn Nesbitt!

I'm excited to see that Kenn Nesbitt has been named the Poetry Foundation's next Children's Poet Laureate!

It's a two year term, so Kenn will be taking over for J. Patrick Lewis this year and be laureating until 2015. I'm looking forward to tons of laughter from Kenn, as always, and I know he'll be inspiring kids to love all kinds of poetry for years to come.

Congratulations, Kenn!